Share Your Success Story: How to Write an Essay About Starting Your Own Business

Бизнес >> 12.03.2019

People love reading success stories and testimonies about other people’s journeys. This is especially the case with start-up businesses and stories about individuals who made it in the business world. These stories are both inspirational and motivational. They’re also highly-informative and can help other young people gather the courage to try making it on their own. This is why it’s so important for successful business people to share their stories.

If you think you’ve got something to say and your story might just inspire someone to become a better businessman, you need to share it. Write an essay about your beginnings and how you climbed the business ladder. If you’re willing to give it a try but have no idea how to write an essay of this type, just keep reading.

Here’s everything you need to know about writing an essay about your business success.

1. The Content

Let’s discuss the most important point your essay should contain and what your readers wish they learned from your essay.

The Vision

First things first, it’s important for your readers to understand what the very beginning of your story is.

Try thinking about your earliest memory of you thinking about starting your own business and make that the beginning of your essay.

To help your readers realize what they need to focus on, define:
  • your initial vision
    What did you want this business to be?
  • the ideas which led to your business plan
    How was the vision born?
  • your primary goals
    What did you want to achieve at the beginning?

Once you answer all of the above questions, your readers will have a better understanding of what it means to have a business idea and how important these first steps are.

The Finances

Every start-up business requires a strategically crafted financial plan. In other words, your readers are going to want to know how they can get the money they need for starting a business.

This part of your essay is extremely important so make sure you cover it in detail. Think about the ways you’ve managed to get the money you needed for your business venture and how that decision resonates on you now.

Write about:
  • business loans
  • finding investors
  • using your own money

It’s also important that you tell the readers why you made the decision you did. Write about your thoughts process and how you ended up choosing the financial plan you chose.

Help them make the decision suitable for their needs and the circumstances they’re in.

The Recruitment

Choosing the right people for your team is another thing you need to write about in your essay.
Your readers will be interested in learning how did you put together a team of people you believed were the right choice for your business.

Tell your readers about:
  • the qualities you were looking for
  • the level of experience you required
  • the type of people you preferred hiring

Make sure you describe the recruitment process in detail and make comments about the things you’d do differently, looking from this perspective.

2. The Structure & Technicalities

Don’t forget about the importance of properly writing your essay in terms of the structure, accuracy, vocabulary and other important details.


Your essay needs to have a clear structure:
  • introduction
  • body
  • conclusion

Always write the body of the essay first and see what you’ve got written. Make each paragraph matter and make sure each paragraph has a clear message. A good topic sentence will help you achieve that.

Then add the introduction and the conclusion and you’re good to go.


Make sure you proofread everything you write.

Don’t let any spell or grammar mistake ruin the overall feeling your readers will have. Therefore, make accuracy another top priority and use one of the proofreading techniques:
  • proofread manually, reading your lines carefully and spotting the mistakes on your own
  • proofread using online tools such as Grammarly
  • proofread using online services such as Get Academic Help


Make sure your essay is written with the appropriate style of writing and the voice which fits the purpose of the essay.

When you’re writing a business essay, you can’t use slang or informal speech.

You need to adjust your style and use:
  • formal vocabulary
  • academic style of writing
  • business terminology

This will give your essay the credibility it needs and you’ll come across as a trustworthy writer.

Final Thoughts

If you wish to share your business story and give some advice to the younger generations, don’t hesitate. It’s not that hard and all you have to do is have a plan on how to write it.

Therefore, just use the advice we’ve given you and start writing. We’re sure you’ll do a great job.